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await fsPromises.access(fullFilePath) const fileType = extname(fullFilePath) return { type: fileType, name: fullFilePath } } async getFileStream(file) { const { name, type } = await this.getFileInfo(file) return { stream: this.createFileStream(name), type } } async readFxByName(fxName) { const songs = await fsPromises.readdir(fxDirectory) const chosenSong = songs.find(filename => filename.toLowerCase().includes(fxName)) if (!chosenSong) return Promise.reject(`the song ${fxName} wasn't found!`) return path.join(fxDirectory, chosenSong) } appendFxStream(fx) { const throttleTransformable = new Throttle(this.currentBitRate) streamsPromises.pipeline( throttleTransformable, this.broadCast() ) const unpipe = () => { const transformStream = this.mergeAudioStreams(fx, this.currentReadable) this.throttleTransform = throttleTransformable this.currentReadable = transformStream this.currentReadable.removeListener('unpipe', unpipe) streamsPromises.pipeline( transformStream, throttleTransformable ) } this.throttleTransform.on('unpipe', unpipe) this.throttleTransform.pause() this.currentReadable.unpipe(this.throttleTransform) } mergeAudioStreams(song, readable) { const transformStream = PassThrough() const args = [ '-t', audioMediaType, '-v', songVolume, // -m => merge -> o - é para receber como stream '-m', '-', '-t', audioMediaType, '-v', fxVolume, song, '-t', audioMediaType, '-' ] const { stdout, stdin } = this._executeSoxCommand(args) // plugamos a stream de conversacao // na entrada de dados do terminal streamsPromises.pipeline( readable, stdin ) // .catch(error => logger.error(`error on sending stream to sox: ${error}`)) streamsPromises.pipeline( stdout, transformStream ) // .catch(error => logger.error(`error on receiving stream from sox: ${error}`)) return transformStream } } |